ビソイ PC、サフー G、ミシュラ SK、ダス C、ダス KL
食物繊維は、血糖値低下作用、脂質低下作用があり、血清コレステロールを下げることで動脈硬化の予防、抗毒性作用、抗癌作用に役立ちます。また、胆石、過敏性腸症候群、便秘、炎症性腸疾患などの胃腸障害の抑制にも役立ちます。穀物繊維の有益な効果は、全粒穀物の摂取という文脈で頻繁に議論されています。精製されていない全粒穀物やふすま製品は、水溶性食物繊維と不溶性食物繊維の両方、およびポリフェノール、抗酸化物質、ビタミン、微量ミネラル、植物性エストロゲン、脂質、タンパク質、デンプンなどのその他の生理活性物質を含む非常に複雑な物質です。雑穀とその食品としての価値に関する研究はまだ初期段階にあり、その可能性は大きく未開拓です。そこで本研究では、コドキビ(Paspalum scrobiculatum)、モロコシ(Panicum miliaceum)、ヒエ(Echinochloa frumentaceae)、シコクビエ(Elusine coracana)、小麦(Triticum aestivum)、オオキビ(Sorghum vulgare)などの地元で入手可能な全粒穀物のキビや穀類に含まれる不溶性繊維のin vitro低血糖効果を評価するために実施されました。) from tribal belt of Odisha. Proximate analysis of the cereals and millet grains revealed that these grains are rich in crude fiber, total ash and crude protein content. The nutritional composition is better than most of the commonly used grains. In general the crude fiber and ash content of the bran samples were more as compared to the grains. Glucose adsorption capacity (GAC) at 5 Millimole/l concentration of glucose was almost similar in IDF of all the millets and wheat ranging from 0.04 ± 0.01 in case of Barnyard millet IDF to 0.06 ± 0.01 in Sorghum, Ragi and Kodo. Glucose absorption capacity at 5 Millimole/l concentration of glucose was highest in Ragi fibers but at higher concentration of glucose it was highest in wheat fibres. GAC increases with increase in glucose concentration in all the cases studied. In most samples WIS showed maximum GAC. Maximum GAC was found at 50 mM/lit in Ragi (Finger millet) IDF and lowest value was found at 10 mM/lit in jhipiri (Barnyard millet) IDF and wheat AIS. In case of glucose diffusion and GDRI, in all types of fiber, it showed decrease in glucose concentration in the dialysate with addition of fiber than in control (without fiber), indicating that addition of fiber decreased diffusion of glucose through dialysis membrane which simulates the function of membrane of small intestine. The glucose concentration in the dialysate though increases with increase in time but remains lower to that of glucose value in control. When GDRI values were compared it showed lowest value in case of IDF than AIS and WIS in all the six samples. Effect of insoluble fibers on alpha-amylase activity indicate that glucose production rate is highest in kodo (kodo millet) AIS but lowest in sorghum (Great millet) IDF. When residual amylase activity was compared it showed highest values in Ragi (Finger millet) AIS and lowest values in gunji (Proso millet) IDF.