音量 11, 問題 2 (2014)


Quality of the Reference of the Obstetric Emergencies to the Departmental Hospital Center of Borgou (CHD/B) at Parakou (Benin)

  • Obossou AAA, Salifou K, Hounkpatin B, Tshabu Aguemon A, Tossou N, F Gounongbe and Perrin RX


Prevalence and Contributing Factors of Female Genital Cutting in Debaytilatgin District, Northwest Ethiopia

  • Yaregal Ejigu, Gebeyaw Tiruneh, Muleta Mekonnen and Getiye Dejenu Kibret


HIV Morbidity and Mortality in the Pediatric Population of Côte d’Ivoire

  • Folquet AM, Dainguy ME, Kangoute M, Kouakou C, Kouadio E, Zobo Konan N, Oka Berete G, Kouadio Yapo G, Gro Bi A, Djivohessoun A, Djoman I and Jager F


Home Injuries among Young Children in Malaysia: A Population Based Study

  •  Norhafizah Bt. Sahril, Yeo Pei Sien, Mohd Hatta B. Abdul Mutalip and Balkish Bt. Mahadir Naidu