音量 6, 問題 2 (2017)


Epidemiology of Congenital Heart Defects (CHD): Results from a Prospective, Population-Based Cohort Study (EPICARD)

  • Nathalie Lelong, François Goffinet, Babak Khoshnood and EPICARD Study Group


Immigrant Newborn and Physiological Jaundice

  • Antonio A Zuppa, Maria Cavani, Riccardo Riccardi, Piero Catenazzi, Alma Iafisco and Giovanni Vento


Impact of Infant-Polysomnography Studies on Discharge Management and Outcomes: A 5 Year Experience from a Tertiary Care Unit

  • Ahmed Fageer Osman, Biju Thomas, Nakul Singh, Marc Collin and Prem Singh Shekhawat