看護師は医療従事者の中で最も攻撃のリスクが高い。特に女性看護師は危険である。 身体的暴行は患者によってのみ行われる 英国で行われた調査に回答した看護師の97%が、過去1年以内に身体的暴行を受けた看護師を知っていた。 看護師の最大95%が職場でいじめを受けたと報告 看護師の72%が職場での暴行に対して安全ではないと感じている 看護師の最大75%が職場でセクハラを受けたことがある。救急科は暴力の発生率が最も高く、スタッフの最大 90% が職務中に何らかの暴力を経験していますが、現在では精神科病棟やユニットに代わり、一般病室が 2 番目に攻撃が多い場所となっています。暴力行為や虐待は、高齢者介護施設や個人診療所を含む臨床またはコミュニティ環境のあらゆる医療従事者に発生する可能性があります。最近のキャンペーンでは、この問題を医療従事者と一般市民の両方に強調しています。この問題について地域社会を啓蒙し、虐待ゼロの方針を実施しようと試みることはできますが、多くの場合、このような否定的な行為は、飲酒、薬物、その他の物質の影響下にある患者、または感情的に不安定な時期を過ごしている友人や親戚から生じます。
We all know that extreme acts are unacceptable, but there is a spectrum of abuse ranging from swearing and eye-rolling, invasion of personal space, spitting and scratching right through to physical assault and attacks with weapons (which can range from scalpels to chairs dependent on what is close to hand).
Violent incidents are currently under-reported. When asked why victims don’t report violence, the most commonly cited reasons include:
No injury or time off work Reporting is too time-consuming Reporting lacks supervisory support Reporting won’t make any differenceIn fact, a study by Gerberich et al. found that 44% of nurses don’t report physical violence because it is just ‘part of the job’.
None of these acts of aggression are ok, and all of them should be reported. Although it might feel like it at times, violence and aggression is never ‘part of the job’, no matter what the person might be going through at that time.
Make sure you know what to do when you witness or experience violence or aggression – no matter how mild it might seem. Repetitive attacks can build and have a cumulative effect on your wellbeing, and that of your colleagues. So, use the reporting mechanisms you have in your workplace to keep your employer informed of what’s going on.
Your employer should be offering you appropriate support following aggressive incidents. If you or anyone you know needs immediate help in a crisis you can contact organizations like Nurse & Midwife Council Support or Lifeline.
One of the best things we can do as healthcare workers have a conversation with our peers and colleagues regarding aggressive behavior in our workplace. Staff that might have been affected by physical or verbal abuse might feel it’s a waste of time reporting incidents if nothing is done. What’s the point of filling in an incident report form if it gets filed away and nothing changes?
Regular briefings to go through reported incidents can not only help with identifying the triggers in that situation and how they could be addressed in the future but can also ensure that the staff affected have a full and frank opportunity to reflect on what happened. Events like these can often play on the mind and cause problems days or even weeks down the line.
One of the long-lasting effects of an aggressive incident is that it can affect the way that we interact with our patients. With less empathy and a self-imposed ‘distance’ – the quality of care can certainly suffer. In fact, there is a clearly identified link between violence experienced by nurses and subsequent adverse events in patients, including increased medication errors, patient falls, and late administration of medication (Roche et al. 2010).
• 救急科の外に隠れる場所がない
• トリアージにガラスのスクリーンなどの物理的な障壁が ある•
• 十分な照明
• CCTV カメラの使用
• 目に見える警備員の存在