
Stock Analysis of Fine Shrimp Metapenaeus elegans De Man (1907) using Yield Per Recruit Relative Model (Y?/R) at Segara Anakan Lagoon Cilacap Central Java

Suradi Wijaya Saputra

The research of stock analysis of Metapenaeus elegans was held in Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap Central
Java. This research were aimed to study the carapace length of optimal capture, exploitation rate optimum
and maximum sustainable yield relative. The research were carried out by using survey method and the
sample were collected by systematic random sampling method. Sampling conducted over 11 months, from
February until December 2004. Data was analyzed using ELEFAN in FiSAT II software. The result show
that rate of exploitation of M. elegans was 0.83 / year, and the length of first capture of the M. elegans was
14.5 mm. At 14.5 mm carapace length, the rate of exploitation (E) should be 0.51 / year, and E0.1 was 0.47 /
year. The average biomass of exploited for 24% of the initial biomass, which has exceeded the ideal limit of
10% (E0.1 concept). According to the above three indicators (the carapace length of shrimp, exploitation rate
and biomass used), then the exploitation of M. elegans in Segara Anakan Lagoon has been considered
seriously over-exploited. The rate of exploitation has reached 154% of Emsy and 177% of E0.1. Based on
simulation results, the size of carapace length of first capture that produces the MSY is a minimum carapace
length of 21.3 mm, and the rate of exploitation (E) can reach 0.7 / year.