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Sex Reversal of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fry by using Methyltestosterone (Mt) Treated Soybean Meal

Mina Mahatara, Ram Bhajan Mandal, Jay Dev Bista, Sujan Mishra

Experiment was conducted at Centre for Aquaculture-Agriculture Research (CAAR) and Production Pvt. Ltd., Chitwan from August-3, 2021 to December-5, 2021. For the experiment, Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used having 5 treatments and 3 replications. Methyl testosterone hormone stock solution and hormone treated feed was prepared. Hapa (1 m3) was set in the pond and 100 fry were stocked in each hapa. Fry are fed with the Methyltestosterone (MT) mixed feed 5 times daily. At final stage individual fish were dissected for sex identification. Economic analysis was carried by calculating B:C ratio of each treatment. It was found that percentage of male and female are same by providing soybean meal instead of fish meal. The higher B:C ratio (1.43 ± 0.03) of feed was recorded in treatment four i.e., 25% FM ± 75% SM. The lowest B:C (1.21 ± 0.04) ratio was recorded in treatment one i.e., 100% fish meal. This study results clearly demonstrate that 75% soybean meal can replace 100% fish meal in feed for sex reversal of Tilapia without decreasing the growth performance and survivability at low cost.