背景と目的: 関節リウマチ (RA) は、滑膜増殖と関節軟骨の破壊を伴う慢性再発性炎症性多臓器疾患です。最も一般的な炎症性関節炎で、世界中の一般人口の約 0.5~1% が罹患しています。RA は、多くの炎症性および免疫介在性疾患の研究に有用なモデルとなっています。RA の正確な説明はまだわかっていません。最近、いくつかの研究で、RA の発症における活性酸素種 (ROS) の可能性のある役割が示されています。ROS による破壊的な反応は、抗酸化物質によって改善できます。抗酸化物質は、好中球機能に関連する炎症の抑制に有益な効果があり、強力な抗酸化物質であるビタミン E は宿主の免疫機能を調節する能力があるため、RA に苦しむ患者に良い効果をもたらす可能性があります。
Materials & Methods: The present study may be a randomized double-blind clinical test. Subjects included 46 patients with active atrophic arthritis who were divided into two groups. Group I established normal behaviour plus 2 daily 1.25 gram capsules (containing about 2 grams of 9-cis 11-tans isomer and 10-cis 12-tans isomer in ratio of 50-50 CLAs in glycerinated form), Group II received standard treatment plus 2 placebo 1.25 gram capsules containing sunflower-seed oil with high monounsaturated fatty acid . PGE2 was done by competitive enzymatic immunoassay method, IGF-1 was analyzed by IRMA method supported the sandwich method and ALK-P of bone. Before and after intervention the questionnaires about general information and medical record were filled. Nutrition calculation with 24-hour greatest questionnaire about three day’s diet was done. The results were analyzed using SPSS version 18 software.
Biochemical analysis
Blood sample collection: A sample of 15 ml blood was obtained from each patient before the trial and at the top of it. The patients were fast for 12–14 h. Ethylene diamine tetra ethanoic acid as anticoagulant was used for plasma isolation. Plasma α-tocopherol was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (Cuesta–Sanz method) with a C15 column and ultraviolet–visible detector. Measurement of plasma inflammatory and immunity reactants: Plasma cytokines were done by ELISA method and by human high sensitivity ELISA kits from eBioscience Company [USA] (sensitivities for interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, IL-1, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were 0.4, 0.1, 0.05, 0.13 pg/ml, respectively). Matrix metalloproteinase 3 (MMP-3) was measured by human ELISA Platinum kits from Ebioscience Company; sensitivity was 0.008 ng/ml. Citrullinated antibody (CPP-A) was measured by ELISA method for IgG Antibody citrullinated protein and kits produced by Genesis (England) company, and clinical sensitivity was 80%. Hematological values were determined by an automatic blood counter (Beckman Coulter, Miami, USA). Nutrients intakes were estimated using 24 h dietary recall questionnaire before and at the top of the trial for 3 days analyzed by Nutrition IV(San Bruno, CA, USA, Firsty Data Bank) software. the themes were asked to not change their usual diets and physical activities throughout the study, and any changes in their medications were avoided if possible. Compliance with the supplement intake was assessed by counting number of the capsules used and determining changes within the plasma α-tocopherol. Statistics methods:Differences between the four groups were determined by ANOVA (one-way analysis of variance) for continuous data and therefore the Chi-square test for group data. Log transformation was wont to normalize the abnormal distributions. Differences between before and after data in each group were determined with paired-sample t-test. If the distribution of a variable wasn't normal, Mann–Whitney U-test was wont to compare the differences between two groups and Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed for every group to match mean values before and after intervention. ANOCVA were wont to adjust the effect of confounding factors. Correlation decided by Pearson test. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. (Version 18; SPSS Inc., Chicago, Il, USA) was used for data analysis. Quantitative values are reported as mean ± variance.
Findings: Totally 102 subjects entered to the study, and 87 of them completed the study. Fifteen patients were excluded from the study thanks to either incomplete consumption of prescription drugs (6 patients: 1 in each groups C [CLA] and CE [CLA + Vitamin E], 2 in each groups E [Vitamin E] and P [Placebo]), changing the dose of their antiinflammatory drugs (8 patients: 2 in each groups), or side-effects (1 patient in group C).
There were no significant differences among the four groups at the start of the study regarding age, sex, BMI, daily intake of vitamin E , disease duration and diseases activity score (P > 0.05). Also, the differences between drugs intake (NSAIDS, glucocorticoid and other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs) weren’t significant between groups (P > 0.05). The Plasma level of α-tocopherol increased significantly in groups E and CE in contrast to the placebo group (P ≤ 0.017, P < 0.023 respectively).
There were no significant differences between groups at the baseline in cytokines IL-2, IL-4, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2/IL-4 and citrullinated antibody variables also as white blood corpuscle (WBC). during this study, significant changes weren't seen in neutrophils, lymphocyte, monocytes, eosinophil numbers and BMI after treatment between groups. Decrease in WBC count was significant in group CLA plus vitamin E , and therefore the lymphocytes increased in group P (P ≤ 0.05).
研究期間中、TNF-αは全グループで減少しましたが、この減少はCEグループでのみ有意でした(P < 0.05)。IL1βはPグループとEグループで有意に増加しましたが、CEグループでは減少しました(P > 0.05)。EグループのIL-1βの上昇はプラセボよりも低かった。IL-4はCグループ、Eグループ、CEグループで減少しましたが(それぞれP = 0.03、P = 0.07、P = 0.003)、Pグループでは有意な変化は見られませんでした。血漿IL-2レベルは全グループで有意な変化は見られませんでしたが、Pグループで増加し、他のグループでは減少しました(P > 0.05)。IL-2/IL-4は全グループで増加し、それぞれPグループ、CLA、Eグループ、CEグループでP = 0.005、P = 0.016、P = 0.005、P = 0.006でしたが、グループ間の差は有意ではありませんでした。 CCP-A は P 群で有意に増加し、CE 群で有意に減少しました (P ≤ 0.05)。E 群の CCP-A の上昇はプラセボよりも低かったです。MMP-3 は P 群で増加し、CE 群で減少しました (P ≤ 0.05)。そのため、P 群と CE 群の差は有意でした (P = 0.018)。CCP-A と MMP-3 以外のすべてのデータについて、グループ間の差は有意ではありませんでした。
重大な副作用は認められませんでした。鼓腸の報告は 3 件あります (グループ C で 2 件、グループ CE で 1 件)。食前ではなく食間に錠剤を処方することで 2 人の患者で症状が緩和されましたが、グループ C の 1 人の患者を除外する必要がありました。
結論: 萎縮性関節炎患者の骨マーカーに対する CLA の有益な効果の可能性があります。したがって、RA 患者だけでなく、自己免疫疾患や骨疾患のすべての患者における骨密度低下の軽減に対する CLA の効果を検討するには、骨密度の評価とともに、より長期間にわたるさらなる研究が必要です。
この研究の一部は、2017年2月20日〜21日にドイツのベルリンで開催された第9回 国際栄養と健康会議で発表されました。