妊娠33~34週での自然観察が含まれます。 妊娠35~37週の妊婦へのインタビューを実施しました。 出産後 1 か月後にインタビューを受けた同じ女性へのインタビューで構成されています。調査は台湾北部の私立医療センターで実施された。目的的サンプリングを用いて、21人の女性と9人の産科医が募集された。データ収集は、詳細な話し合い、観察、フィールドノートを複雑に組み合わせた。データ分析には、継続的な比較分析が採用された。母親と赤ちゃんの保護を確保することが、女性の意思決定の焦点であった。女性の意思決定への影響には、以前の出産経験、経膣出産のリスクに対する懸念、出産方法の評価、現在の妊娠状況、情報源、健康保証が含まれていた。産科医とのコミュニケーションにおいて、代替案を知らされずに産科医の再帝王切開(RCS)の推奨に従った女性もいた。他の女性は、情報の検索、産科医の専門的判断の聴取、代替案の評価、出産方法に関する決定を含む4段階の意思決定プロセスを使用した。出産後、女性は次の3つの側面で産科医の選択を模倣した。
• 出産の選択についての考察
• 意思決定に影響を与える要因についての考察
• 意思決定の結果についての考察
Using a qualitative approach, the research encompassed three stages.
Stage 1- Involved in the naturalistic opinion of obstetric consultations to know how obstetricians assisted women to make their birth choices. Stages 2- Involved interviews with pregnant women to explore their perceptions of the influences on their preferences for mode of birth. Stage3- Consisted of interviews in the postnatal period with the same women who were interviewed in stage 2. The determination of the stage 3 interview was to capture women’s reflections about the effects on their decisions regarding mode of birth, and the relationship between their choices and the actual birth mode outcome.The study was conducted in a private, tertiary teaching
medical centre in northern Taiwan. At the hospital, there
were between 350 and 450 births per month and the CS
rate varied between 34% and 38%, consistent with Tai-
wan’s overall CS rates [19]. A purposive sampling ap-
proach was used in this study. Pregnant women who
had undergone a previous CS were eligible to be in-
cluded. Inclusion criteria were: women who were aged
18-45 years of age, fluent in Mandarin or English, 30-
32 weeks’gestation, and had experienced a previous CS.
Exclusion criteria included women with a multiple preg-
nancy, a previous classic CS or myomectomy, and/or
high-risk pregnancies (for example, women who had risk
factors such as threatened premature labour, hyperten-
sion, heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, or another pre-
existing medical problem)
The study was conducted in a private, tertiary teaching
medical centre in northern Taiwan. At the hospital, there
were between 350 and 450 births per month and the CS
rate varied between 34% and 38%, consistent with Tai-
wan’s overall CS rates [19]. A purposive sampling ap-
proach was used in this study. Pregnant women who
had undergone a previous CS were eligible to be in-
cluded. Inclusion criteria were: women who were aged
18-45 years of age, fluent in Mandarin or English, 30-
32 weeks’gestation, and had experienced a previous CS.
Exclusion criteria included women with a multiple preg-
nancy, a previous classic CS or myomectomy, and/or
high-risk pregnancies (for example, women who had risk
factors such as threatened premature labour, hyperten-
sion, heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, or another pre-
existing medical problem)
Two interviews of women were conducted to elicit their
perspectives, preferences regarding birth choice before
and birth reflections afterwards. A semi-structured inter-
view guide was used for the interview to cover key issues
for women participants.
Ethics approval was obtained from the university and
hospital Human Research Ethics Committee. Prior to
commencement, participants gave written informed con-
sent for participation and the audio-recording of the in-
terviews. The researcher invited eligible women to
participate in the study when they attended the registra-
tion counter for their prenatal examination at the 33-
34 weeks’gestation visit in the Outpatient Department
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Interactions between the
consulting obstetrician and the pregnant woman were
observed and field notes were recorded.
Two interviews of women were conducted to elicit their
perspectives, preferences regarding birth choice before
and birth reflections afterwards. A semi-structured inter-
view guide was used for the interview to cover key issues
for women participants.
Ethics approval was obtained from the university and
hospital Human Research Ethics Committee. Prior to
commencement, participants gave written informed con-
sent for participation and the audio-recording of the in-
terviews. The researcher invited eligible women to
participate in the study when they attended the registra-
tion counter for their prenatal examination at the 33-
34 weeks’gestation visit in the Outpatient Department
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Interactions between the
consulting obstetrician and the pregnant woman were
observed and field notes were recorded.
Two interviews of women were showed to elicit their perspectives, preferences concerning birth choice before, and birth reflections afterward. A semi-structured interview guide was used for the interview to cover key issues for women participants. Ethics consent was got from the university and hospital Human Research Ethics Committee. Prior to commencement, participants gave written informed consent for participation and the audio-recording of the interviews. The researcher asked eligible women to share in the study when they joined the registration security for their prenatal examination at the 33- 34 weeks’ gestation stays in the Outpatient Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
コンサルタント産科医と妊婦とのつながりは経験的なものであり、フィールドノートに記録が残された。女性との出生前面接は、女性の次回の産科医受診に合わせて予定された。適切な対面面接は、女性が産科医のもとに滞在していた妊娠35~37週に行われた。女性たちが産科医の予約を待つ間、産婦人科外来の静かな待合室で面接が行われた。面接は、「出産方法に関する出産計画を教えていただけますか?」という重要な質問で始まった。出産前に産後面接の同意書に署名した後、出産後約1か月で、産後面接を依頼する携帯用テキストメッセージが女性たちに割り当てられ、面接参加の意思を確認した。対面インタビューは、産後女性が産後定期フォローアップ診察を受けた後、産婦人科外来または新生児科の待合室で行われた。合計24人の妊婦が研究への参加を決定し、署名入りの同意書を提出した。台湾南部の別の病院に移った女性2人と、妊婦面談前に流産した女性1人の計3人が研究対象となった。全体で、9人の産科医と21人の妊婦が研究に参加した。女性たちは、人口統計学的特徴を提供するアンケートに回答した。産科医と妊婦の相談に関する意見 研究に参加した21人の妊婦のうち、産科医との相談中に経験があったのは9人だけだった。合計12人の妊婦は、産科医が研究への参加を承認しなかったため検出されなかった。産科医と妊婦の交流は、女性が妊娠33~34週のときに産婦人科外来で行われた話し合いを通じて検出された。観察データを記録し、現場メモを収集しました。診察中、女性はほとんど質問をしませんでした。ほとんどの話し合いでは、産科医が胎児の心拍をチェックしたり、子宮底の高さを測ったりするなど、通常の出産前検査を女性に提供していました。出産方法に関するカウンセリングは一切提供しませんでした。平均して、各診察は 5 ~ 8 分以内に完了しました。