The herb Loranthus Europaeus leaves and fruits was used in Iraq traditional medicine for treatment of inflammation, tumor and antimicrobial infection. For these reasons we tried to use the phytochemical and pharmacological studies to approache to their bioactive products as a new source for medicine. Loranthus is a genus of parasitic plants that grow on the branches of woody trees. It belongs to the family Lo-ranthaceae (the showy mistletoe family) and this genus has 1253 species. LE is a hemi-parasite mistletoe, it is a deciduous plant (flower are produced in May and June) with dull brown twinges, the fruit is yellow roundish berry, which remain sticky even after dried, the fruits ripen in late autumn and gradually fall off in late winter, the plant grows vigorously on aging trees mostly on branches of oak, and chestnut as host trees and once established, the mistletoe take minerals and water from the host tree, and block sunlight through its dense foliage, the most important vectors of yellow mistletoe are birds. LE is widely distributed in south-west Europe, south Russia, Anatolia, Iran and Iraq. In Iraq, LE distri-buted in the north of country especially in Ammadia, Roundoze and Sulymania.
LE had a known importance in Iraqi folk medicine for long time ago, for treating boils and abscesses, where a dry fruit used in form of poultice after mastication and moisture in the mouth, it is claimed that the poultice cause maturation and acceleration in the drain of pus from the boils, however the mechanism of action was un-known, until 2006, a study from Iraq done to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of the plant in animals, which explained the effect of LE oil extract in pyogenic inflammation and concluded that the oil extract may act as immunomodulator during bacterial infection and may contain substance act as a chemotactic agent for neutro-phile and promote macrophage activity.
Many of these compound have a biological activities such as antihypertensive and anti-diabetic effect of L. bengwensis, and antiviral activity of L. parasiticus. Loranthus europaeus is one species of Lorantheceae, and many studies showed that LE contain many bio-logical compounds including: Flavonoids (kaempherol, quercetin and rutin), alkaloids, glycosides, carbohydrate, aldehyde, ketones, protein, polysaccharide, terpenes (monoterpens and triterpenes ), phenolic acid (caffeic and gallic acid), lipid include Palmitic acid, paraffin C30H62 and wax alcohol and sugar
The extraction of active constituent of loranthus Europaeus (flavonoids terpenoids and alkaloids) by using chromatography method using a thimble of suxlet with different organic solvents. The ethylacetate extract contain flavonoid which contain qurcitin and quercitrin. The active ingredient mixture of LE leaves extract have used as mouth wash for 10 ladies different age have breast cancer and under treatment with chemotherapy.
LE から抽出した生理活性物質を洗口液として使用すると、女性の口の炎症が治まることがわかりました。さらに、歯に嚢胞が付着していると訴える男女 10 名を異なる種類の抗生物質で治療したところ、反応がありませんでした。しかし、この LE の生理活性物質を含む抗生物質を投与すると、嚢胞が完全に治り、手術の必要がなくなりました。これは、これらの活性物質 (クルシチンとケルシトリン) の 1 つ以上が存在する可能性があり、これが嚢胞に直接抗生物質の正のナノ キャリアとして作用して、嚢胞を治すと考えられます。