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Influence of Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 and HIV: A Scoping Review of Hospital Course and Symptomatology

Mona Sheikh*, Shavy Nagpal**, Madiha Zaidi, Rupalakshmi Vijayan, Wanessa Matos, Neguemadji Ngardig Ngaba,Lordstrong Akano, Samia Jahan, Shazia Q. Shah, Camille Celeste Go, Sindhu Thevuthasan, George Michel

Background: An outbreak of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was observed on December 2019 in Wuhan, China which led to a global pandemic declared in March 2020. As a consequence, it imposed delirious consequences in patients with underlying co-morbid conditions that make them immunocompromised. The purpose of this paper is to provide an in depth review of influence of COVID-19 in patients with underlying HIV in terms of mortality and hospitalization.

Authors also aim to provide a thorough risk analysis of hospitalization, ICU admission and mortality of PLWH and COVID-19. The secondary objective was to analyze the CD4+ count variations and outcome of COVID-19 and to correlate if ART provided a protective role. Authors also aim to provide an evaluation of typical clinical presentation of COVID-19 in PLWH. ART is found to show activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, and there is some similarity in the structure of HIV-1 gp41 and S2 proteins of SARS-CoV since they both belong to +ssRNA type.

Methods: We conducted a literature review using search engines namely, Cochrane, PubMed and Google Scholar. The following keywords were targeted: “COVID-19,” “SARS-CoV-2,” and “HIV.” We included case reports, case series, and cohort (retrospective and prospective) studies. We excluded clinical trials and review articles. We came across 23 articles that met the inclusion criteria. PRISMA guidelines were followed for study acquisition.

結果: 23の研究から、COVID-19が確認された陽性者合計651人(コホート、症例シリーズ、症例報告でそれぞれ549人、91人、11人)が見つかった。レビューした23の記事の統合データから得た入院の全体的リスクは69.13%(450/651)、感染患者全体でICU入院は12.90%(84/651)、入院患者では18.67%(84/450)だった。レビューした23の記事の全体的な症例致死率は11.21(73/651)だった。症例シリーズと症例報告ではCD4 +数と入院の間に弱い正の相関が見られ、コホートでは弱い負の相関が見られた。死亡率については、コホートと症例シリーズでは弱い負の関連が見られ、症例報告では弱い正の関連が見られた。私たちは、COVID-19陽性者の主症状を評価したところ、このグループに共通する主症状は咳、発熱、息切れであり、他の集団とそれほど変わらないことがレビューで示されました。


免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されており、まだレビューまたは確認されていません