
Improving Online Livestock Health Monitoring System using Machine Learning, AI, ANN, IoT and Sound Based Technologies: A Pilot Study

Mohsen Sotoudeh*, Nahal Alavi, Ali Zarrineh

In the livestock industry, maintaining the health of animals is very important, and the use of technology has greatly helped this. One of the existing challenges has been that most of the available sensors and electronic processing devices are designed to fit the human body, and the use of these devices for livestock faces limitations due to the difference in the structure of the body and skin of animals and humans. Reliable solutions tailored for animal husbandry can be achieved by modifying the physical and software structure of existing devices.

In this article, we have presented the current situation, by reviewing the research done and the existing technology in the field of animal husbandry. The aim is to obtain comprehensive parameters for monitoring livestock health by leveraging available information and exploring new methods based on the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We take a proactive approach by utilizing available technologies based on sound-based diagnostic techniques.

Initially, we propose utilizing piezoelectricity and amplifying received sound using a diaphragm attached to a collar. Subsequently, we discuss the results of relevant tests that can be conducted using the phonocardiography system.

For the next phase of research and designing a more advanced livestock health monitoring system, we suggest employing an ultrasonic system to measure heart rate and blood pressure for the next phase of research and designing a more advanced livestock health monitoring system. This system, coupled with a piezoelectric system to make electric energy from the pulse of the veins, could be subcutaneously implanted for continuous monitoring.