
Genetic Algorithm Reflects the Process of Natural Selection

Mathieu Stevenin

Genetic Algorithm (GA) may be a search-based optimizationtechnique supported the principles of Genetics and survival. It’sfrequently wont to find optimal or near-optimal solutions todifficult problems which otherwise would take a lifetime tounravel. It’s frequently wont to solve optimization problems, inresearch, and in machine learning. Nature has always been anexcellent source of inspiration to all or any mankind. GeneticAlgorithms (GA’s) are search based algorithms supported theconcepts of survival and genetics. GA’s are a subset of a waylarger branch of computation referred to as EvolutionaryComputation. GA’s were developed by John Holland and hisstudents and colleagues at the University of Michigan, mostnotably David E. Goldberg and has since been tried on variousoptimization problems with a high degree of success.