The Epidemiological studies have pointed out that fruits and vegetable consumption imparts health benefits including certain types of cancer, reduced risk of coronary heart diseases. Chemoprevention is an active cancer preventive strategy to inhibit, delay, or reverse human carcinogenesis, especially using naturally occurring chemical agents. Dietary Supplements and/or food fortification based on food by-products may be an alternative to the above mentioned healthy constituents. The health benefits of fruits and vegetables are majorly attributed to bioactive nutrients as phytochemicals, carotenoids, vitamins (ascorbic acid, tocopherol etc.), also to dietary fiber of these products.
Due to the high consumption and industrial processing of the edible parts of fruit, wastes such as the peels and seeds of fruit (apple, pear, orange, pomegranate, and tomato) residues, citrus fruit skins, mango residues, pineapple residues, residues of other exotic tropical fruits (avocado, banana, guava, jackfruit, and longan fruit), chestnut residues, olive residues and sugarcane bagasse are generated in large quantities in big cities. Moreover, the peel, leaf, or stem fractions of cabbage, cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage, coriander, cucumber, eggplant, endive lettuce, fennel, potato, rape, scallion and spinach can be evaluated as dietary phytochemicals and can be used extruded product, and the dietary fiber is also used in manufactures powder forms.
The current methods for further utilization of product-specific waste of fruits and vegetables have been developed along traditional lines and these utilizations are closely bound to the agricultural origins of the raw materials.
The majority of by-products in the meat industry are produced during slaughtering. Slaughterhouse waste consists of the portion of a slaughtered animal that cannot be sold as meat or used in meat products. Such meat by-products include internal organs, fats or lard, skin, feet, abdominal contents of the gastrointestinal tract, blood, bones, tendons, and the powder produced from these by-products. Meat by-products are made by slaughterhouses, meat processors, wholesalers, and rendering plants.
The by-products of meat containing ash biomass include phosphorous. It is known that some high phosphorous ash can be in sludge ash and meat and bone meal, and phosphorous from biomass energy, biomass ash disposal, and as a phosphorous source.
By-products of fruits and vegetables are sources of these healthy compounds and it has been considered that these are the highly desired constituents of by-products of fruits and vegetables. Seafood product processing discard account for about three-quarters of the total weight of catch. Seafood processing is used as a probable waste utilization. It is known that the major components of seafood discard products are tongue, cheeks, stomach, liver of fish, protein bioactives from residual fish, marine bioactive lipid components (omega 3,6, DHA,EPA), fish skin, carotenoid bioactives and chitinous materials from shellfish products, gut enzymes, flavour products, anti-freeze proteins from seafood blood. Nowadays, the potential utilization of the above-mentioned major components has been the focus of attention.
Fish by-products are one of the most important raw materials for food, neutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological applications. By-products include fish stomachs, viscera silage, and fish sauce. It has been stated that carnivorous fishes have high stomach pepsin contents, and silage is made from minced viscera or from the separated stomach. By ultrafiltration, concentration, and spray-drying, cod stomach silage can give a pepsin preparation.
Fish oil from fish processing waste and marine fish and chicken visceral wastes are rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrates, and in particular, of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Not only fish skin but also bones and fins are potential sources of collagen and gelatin.
Shrimp processing leads to massive amounts of shrimp biowaste and the major constituents of shrimp by-products are protein, chitin, lipid, minerals, and also valuable carotenoid astaxanthin. Chitosan, a valuable bioactive compound, has widely utilized in food, agriculture, biotechnology, cosmetics, medicine, and waste treatment. Shrimp cooking wastewater is moreover an authentic foundation of astaxanthin and bioactive peptides.
The diary by-product whey is also a very good source of peptide with remarkable biological activities. Whey is an abundant by-product of the dairy industry that corresponds to the liquid fraction remaining after, milk clotting and casein removal during cheese manufacturing. Whey includes the lactose and noncasein proteins of milk. Moreover, the bioactivity of the other components of cheese whey including lactose, oligosaccharides, and minerals, is well-known.
Cereal by-products are also very important, phenolic compounds can be extracted from cereal brans with the inclusion of anti-oxidants, and these valuable products provide resistance against free radical damage, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Gamma-Oryzanol extracted from rice bran is a potent antioxidant, a cholesterol-reducing agent, a tumour inhibiting agent, and a prevention agent in menopausal syndrome treatment.
最近では、ナッツの副産物も食品技術の分野で特に重要になってきています。クルミは、n-6 と n-3 の多価不飽和脂肪酸の完璧なバランス (4:1 の比率) が特徴で、心血管疾患のリスクの発生率を低下させることが示されています。
オズレム・トクソグルは、2001年にエーゲ大学工学部食品工学科で博士号を取得しました。現在は、ジェラル・バヤル大学工学部食品工学科の准教授および教員として働いています。1999年から2000年にかけて、米国フロリダ州ゲインズビルのフロリダ大学食品科学栄養学部で客員研究員を務め、2010年4月から5月にかけては米国ワシントン州プルマンのワシントン州立大学食品科学学部で客員教授を務めました。査読付きジャーナルに多数の論文を発表しており、厳選されたジャーナルの編集委員を務めています。CRC Press、Taylor & Francis、米国出版社から「Fruit and Cereal Bioactives: Chemistry, Sources and Applications」および「Improved Food Quality with Novel Food Processing」という2冊の国際的な書籍を出版および科学編集しており、3冊目の書籍「Food By-Product Based Functional Food Powders」を執筆中です。彼女はまた、「カカオとチョコレートの科学と技術」と「特別な果実オリーブ:化学、品質、技術」というタイトルの2冊の全国書を出版しました。彼女は米国とヨーロッパのさまざまな地域で多数の会議や大会を組織し、会議議長として運営しました。