2009 年 7 月から 2011 年 4 月まで、グジャラート州アフマダーバード市の無作為に選ばれた 10 校で、GMERS 医科大学 (ダルマプリ パタン) の小児科および地域医療学科が実施した横断的調査。10 歳から 15 歳の子供 2,562 名が、事前に設計され、事前にテストされた半構造化 Performa を使用して、両親の書面による同意を得た上で観察されました。人体計測が行われ、BMI が計算されました。太りすぎと肥満の有病率は、IOTF (国際肥満タスクフォース) の基準に基づいて判定されました。子供へのインタビューにより、肥満と太りすぎの多くの決定要因が検討されました。収集されたデータは、SPSS 17 (試用版) を使用して分析されました。
This is particularly true in low and middle-income countries that form the major chunk of the global population. The emerging epidemics of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes form the crux of this phenomenal change. Among these units, obesity has become a colossal epidemic causing serious public health anxiety and contributes to 2.6 million deaths worldwide every year. The prevalence of obesity has improved worldwide in almost all country in all the age groups. The steep rise has prompted this development to be termed an epidemic and because it is worldwide a pandemic.It has been estimated that worldwide over 22 million children below the age of 5 are obese, and one in 10 children is overweight. Globally the prevalence of childhood obesity varies from over 30% in the USA to less than 2% in Sub-Saharan Africa. Now, the occurrence of obese school children is 20% in the UK and Australia, 15.8% in Saudi Arabia, 15.6% in Thailand, 10% in Japan, and 7.8% in Iran. In China, the prevalence of obesity among children aged 7-9 years increased from 1-2% in 1985 to 17% among girls and 25% among boys in 2000.
Indian data about current trends in childhood obesity are developing. Available studies of Delhi and Chennai have shown a prevalence of 7.4% and 6.2% respectively. An education conducted among adolescent school children in South Karnataka has presented the prevalence of overweight and obesity to be 9.9% and 4.8% respectively. The present study was a cross-sectional study undertaken in 10 schools, which were selected randomly from a list of all schools in Ahmedabad city from September 2015 to December 2015 by the Department of Paediatrics and Community Medicine of GMERS Medical College, Dharmapuri-Patan, Gujarat, India. All children between the age group of 10 -15 were included after written informed consent of their parents. The sample size was calculated based on an estimated prevalence of obesity of 8% by a pilot study, with 80% power, 95% confidence, and 5% level of significance with an allowable error of 20% to obtain age and gender-specific representative sample of children. 2400 school going children of age group 10- 15 years were the calculated sample size of the study but since all the children, studying in class 5th to 10th, of the selected schools, belonging to the 10 -15-year age group were included in the study population, the final sample size was 2562 children.Overall, the total number of obese children identified in the whole study population was 144 (5.62%) and the numbers of overweight children were 256 (9.99%). The overall prevalence of obesity was more among the female population (6.8%) as compared to that in males (4.62%). Though the prevalence of overweight was more among males (10.25%). Different categories of BMI and gender of the children were not significantly associated.
1週間あたりのスポーツ・身体活動時間が2時間以下の子どもの数はわずか430人でした。活動量の少ないグループでは、活動量の多いグループに比べて、肥満と太りすぎの有病率が有意に高く(それぞれ9.3%と13.95%)、目的を問わずテレビやコンピューターの前で2時間以上過ごした子どもの数は556人(21.7%)でした。テレビやコンピューターの前で過ごす時間が長いグループでは、1日にテレビやコンピューターが見えている時間が2時間以下のグループに比べて、肥満と太りすぎの有病率が有意に高く(それぞれ14.38%と14.75%)、目的を問わずテレビやコンピューターの前で過ごす時間が長いグループでは、肥満と太りすぎの有病率が有意に高く(それぞれ14.38%と14.75%)、目的を問わずテレビやコンピューターの前で過ごす時間が長いグループでは、肥満と太りすぎの有病率が有意に高く(それぞれ14.38%と14.75%)、目的を問わずテレビやコンピューターの前で過ごす時間が2時間以下の ...1日のカロリー摂取量がRDA(推奨食事摂取量)を超えている子どもの数は474人(22.7%)でした。毎日の摂取カロリーがRDAを超えていたグループでは、他のグループと比較して、肥満と太りすぎの有病率が有意に高かった(それぞれ18.57%と15.19%)。週に2回以上ジャンクフードを食べていた子供の数は1392人(54.33%)だった。