
A Change of the Gravitational Interaction on the Galactic Distances

Stabnikov PA and Babailov SP

In order to explain anomalous velocities of star rotation in galaxies, some researchers propose corrections to Newton's dynamics. In contrast to this opinion, we suppose that it is possible to correct the potential of gravity interaction. The modulus of the force of interaction between the bodies may be written as: F=Exp (-R2/α)γMm/R2 + (1 - Exp(-R2/α))δMm/R, где α ~ 4×105 (au)-2, δ ~ 2.7×10-31 N m kg-2. This correction allows one to conserve the force of attraction between the bodies within the Solar System proportional to 1/R2, while for longer interstellar distances it will be proportional to 1/R. It provides a good description both for the motion of planets in the Solar System and for the motions of stars and galaxies. Within the framework of the proposed approach, there is no necessity to introduce the idea of dark matter. According to the analysis of the proposed interaction with the help of the virial theorem, it does not contradict basic notions on the motion of stars and planets; in particular, it does not contradict the established accelerated expansion of the Universe.